Friday 11 January 2013

Equality of provision - or quality of provision?

Lots of healthy debate last night around educational opportunity... or the lack of, in our area. As a student fascinated and inspired by the range of different formal and informal approaches to learning taking place in different communities, all around the world, it seems easy to forget that so many children are simply just not being given some basic opportunities to learn in the same way others are. And I'm not just talking about westernised, developed countries compared to developing countries - but also the vastly unequal opportunities within the same cities.

This is a consideration which could go into much depth - as to what we mean by 'quality', whether we consider 'opportunities' to be schools, parental aspirations, exposure to the arts, sports or other culture.

Essentially though, it got me thinking, which should come first - quality or equality?

Let's think about either one of the above, without the other -
A quality education (however you would define it) without equality in provision... or a rubbish education that is accessible to everyone. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have both, please.

Further reading...
Childcare: Making ends meet in the UK
Review of 'The Spirit Level' - a book on the impact of social inequality
RSA education projects
RSA Animation on 'changing education paradigms'

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