Sunday 14 April 2013

A slice of philosophy

In the absence of posts, have been reading around issues of leadership in education for my new module. Have also finally ventured into my Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education, from which I bring you this snippet of wisdom, which seems obvious until you really think about how we form opinions about the world around us:

"to see something in one way – to reveal it in a certain way on a particular occasion – is always at the expense of other ways of revealing it. There are always sides of the thing to which we will not be attending or are out of view."

Perhaps it also explains my constant inability to make decisions....

Bonnett, M. and Cuypers, S. (2007) Autonomy and Authenticity in Education, in 'The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education' (eds N. Blake, P. Smeyers, R. Smith and P. Standish), Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK.

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