Thursday 7 August 2014

On theory and language

Oh dear, a little shamefully, I admit it - some time has passed since the last post. I've been conducting research for my final piece of MEd work - *the* dissertation. On searching for some guidance on interpreting exploratory interviews, I came across the following:

"To reduce all to the signifiers and signifieds of a language is thus to enter a lifeless realm. But only by entering this lifeless realm can individuals meet in communion, think about themselves and their worlds, create knowledge, develop tools and transform the material world about to meet their hopes of fulfilment, their hopes, if any, of reconciliation, community, freedom to live, act and build creatively. Language is both the condition for entrapment and emancipation."
(Schostak, J.F., 2006. Interviewing and Representation in Qualitative Research Projects, Conducting Educational Research. Open University Press, Maidenhead, England; New York. P. 162.)

Pointers for contemplation on: Theory vs practice, the academic pursuit, research motivation, and of course, learning.

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